AWA - My Workflow (Job) Did Not Run or Aborted

Tags AWA


  • Workflow started but I didn't see it run or complete
  • Workflow "waiting for input" or aborted


  • Oregon State University
  • Faculty/Staff
  • People who use or run scheduled jobs/workflows
  • AWA users


Common issues include:

  • Workflow ran quickly and the screen did not refresh while it was running
  • The job might have run, and the user does not know how to look for it
  • The output might have been trapped by a junk mail filter
  • Workflow aborted due to invalid input or another reason
  • Workflow is waiting for the user to provide input
    • User provided input but did not click Submit
    • User does not know how to provide input
    • Workflow won't let the user provide input


Check whether the workflow is waiting for input

  1. Go to the My Catalog tab (if not visible at top of screen, click the "+v" symbol to locate and select the tab)
  2. Click the green arrows/refresh button to refresh the page
    Green Arrows in Circle
  3. Check Activities pane for workflow with "Waiting for user input" status.  Click on the job or on the Requests prompt at top of screen.
    Requests prompt
  4. Enter values as prompted
  5. Click Sumbit to run job.

    Note: If workflow is waiting for user input, and will not allow the user to enter input, the workflow is orphaned and must be manually killed by a developer.  This is typically caused by the user disconnecting before input was provided and logging back in.  Run the workflow again (AWA - How to Execute Workflow), and submit a request to ECS - Administrative Computing Team to cancel the orphaned workflow.

If the workflow is not waiting for input

  1. Check whether the workflow ran or aborted.  Detailed instructions for the steps below are in the AWA Quick Reference Guide, under "Process monitoring,"  "Display past executions of a specific workflow," and "What to do if your workflow aborts."
  2. Look for the execution of your job in AWA
    1. Go to the Process Monitoring tab
    2. Use the Filter function to locate past executions of this workflow
    3. If the workflow aborted, follow instructions in the Quick Reference Guide
  3. If you cannot find an execution, the job did not run and you may wish to execute it again. 
  4. Make sure output wasn't sent to your junk mail and that "" is not a blocked sender in your email.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.


Article ID: 103785
Tue 3/31/20 12:07 PM
Tue 11/8/22 8:53 AM