Mailman - Include Unsubscribe Link on List Emails

Tags mailman HowTo


  • How do I include an unsubscribe link on messages sent to my Mailman list?


  • Oregon State University
  • Mailman mailing lists


Follow these steps to add an "unsubscribe" link to messages sent to your Mailman list:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your list name and select "Manage List"
  3. Enter the list administrator password when prompted
  4. Select "Non-Digest Options"
  5. Set "personalize" option to "Yes"
  6. Add the following text to the message footer: 
    Click here to unsubscribe: %(user_optionsurl)s?password=%(user_password)s&unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1
  7. Scroll down and click "Submit Your Changes"


In Outlook, the footer may appear as a text-only attachment on emails sent to the list. The hyper-link in the attachment will still work, however. 

If the recipient is no longer a member of the list, they will receive a message saying "We're sorry, we hit a bug!" This can happen if they click the unsubscribe link twice.

Once successfully unsubscribed, the list member will receive email confirmation from Mailman.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.


Article ID: 123362
Mon 12/28/20 10:57 AM
Mon 12/28/20 11:03 AM