Box Collections Feature

Tags Box


  • How do I use Collections?
  • What do I need to know about Collections?
  • Why would I use Collections?


  • Oregon State University
    • Box 
      • Collections


Box Collections provides the ability to organize your Box content in logical groups of your choice to fit your needs and preferences. Collections can include files and folders you own and that have been shared with you as a collaborator. Collections are unique to your account and do not affect anyone else's access to shared content.

Note: The new UI was released to OSU's Box on February 16, 2021.


Method 1

  1. To get started, navigate your OSU Box Web App,, and log in.
  2. From your left sidebar, click My Collections.
  3. Choose to Create Collection to create and name a new group.
  4. To add new items to a collection:
    1. In your All Files window, highlight the items you want to add.
    2. Drag-and-drop the items from your All Files window into the collection listed under My Collections in the left sidebar.
    • Tip: When you preview content or select an item, you see the star-in-a-box icon. Click the star to add it to a collection. 


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Box's new UI to be released to OSU's Box Account on February 16, 2021