Gradescope: Create and link Gradescope assignment from Canvas


  • How do I create a Gradescope assignment that is linked to my Canvas assignment? 


  • Oregon State University
    • Faculty
      • Canvas
      • Gradescope


Note: Before you can link Gradescope and Canvas assignments, you need to create and link a Gradescope course from your Canvas course.  
  1. Navigate to your Canvas course and create a new Canvas assignment (or edit current assignment). 
  2. Enter the desired Canvas assignment settings e.g., assignment name, instructions, points possible, and due date.  
  3. Select External Tool as the submission type. 
  4. In the “Enter or find an External Tool URL” dialog box, click Find 
  5. Select Gradescope from the list of tools. Checking “Load this Tool in A New Tab” is optional.  
  6. Review the Canvas assignment settings, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Save
  7. After saving the Canvas assignment, wait for the Gradescope tool to loaded and select link with “A new Gradescope Assignment” and click Link Assignment 
  8. Choose the Gradescope assignment type and click Next in the toolbar at the bottom of the page 
  9. Follow the prompts to complete the Gradescope assignment setup. Use the same name and due date for the Gradescope assignment that you used for the Canvas assignment. 
  10. Click Create Assignment 

Verify that the Assignment Name, Points Possible, and Due Dates are aligned between the Canvas assignment and Gradescope assignment.