Bridge Issue: Clicking on the "X" to leave the information security training modules doesn't take me back to Bridge.

Tags Bridge

Issue description:

Individuals have reported that, when using Chrome or Firefox, clicking the "X" to close a module in the information security training does not take them back to Bridge, but instead closes the tab.  Since Bridge was opened in a new tab after clicking on the Bridge login from the page, it appears to them that they are taken back back to the website when the Bridge tab closes.

Individuals have reported that, when using IE, clicking the "X" to close a module causes a pop-up which says the program wants to close the tab.  If they close the tab, they are returned to the tab to login again. If they don't close the tab, they are taken to the expected page in Bridge in the same tab the training video was open in.

Technical Information:

  • Windows 7 enterprise, Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Chrome versions 65.0.3356.162, and 65.0.3325.146 (64-bit)
  • Firefox versions 52.7.0 (32-bit), and 52.6.0 (32-bit)
  • Internet Explorer version 11.0.10240.17770


The Bridge login link on was changed to open Bridge in the same tab as, instead of opening in a new tab.  This seems to have resolved the issue with Chrome and Firefox.  Internet Explorer users will still see a pop-up asking to close tab - and if they choose "Yes", the tab will close and will close the browser, unless they have another tab open.

Chrome and Firefox should be the recommended browsers for PC users.




Article ID: 50624
Tue 3/20/18 11:21 AM
Fri 9/7/18 11:55 AM