WordPress - Enable Classic Editor

Tags WordPress


  • How do I set WordPress to the Classic Editor?


  • Oregon State University
  • WordPress
  • Blogs.oregonstate.edu


As part of an upgrade on May 15, 2019, the default editor for OSU WordPress blogs will be set to the standard Block Editor "Gutenberg". Follow the steps below to switch back to the Classic editor.

Note: While this will bring you back to the Classic Editor, this is not a plugin that we intend to support long term. This is offered as a short term solution while customers transition to the standard block editor "Gutenberg".


  1. Login and visit the Dashboard. Image shows OSU Wordpress menu, Dashboard selection.
  2. Go to Plugins. Image shows Dashboard left navigation menu with Plugins option.
  3. Locate the Classic Editor and click the link to activate it. Image shows the Activate link for the Classic Editor plugin.

Warning: Do not do a "Network Activate". Most users will not see this option, but if you do see "Network Activate" instead of "Activate", that means you are logged into the Network Admin and are modifying the plugin across ALL blogs. You need to be at the dashboard for just the blog you want to change the setting on.


For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.