Zoom - Cisco/Polycom Room System with a Zoom Meeting - Enhanced Process


  • How do I use my Cisco/Polycom with a Zoom Meeting?
  • Our IT group added our Room System to Zoom, how do I use it?
  • Can I schedule a Zoom Meeting in Outlook and include a Cisco/Polycom video conferencing unit?
  • How do I connect my Cisco/Polycom Video device to a Zoom meeting?


  • Oregon State University
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Students
  • Zoom User
  • Cisco/Polycom Zoom User


When using a Cisco/Polycom room system to join a Zoom meeting, there are two options to connect to the meeting:  

1) The Standard Experience is a manual dial by the user from the room system to connect to a Zoom meeting. 
2) The Enhanced Experience is a single tap to join, which automatically connects the room system to a Zoom meeting. This requires 1) your IT group to have configured the room system to support the enhanced experience and 2) the Zoom meeting to be scheduled in Outlook.

Standard Experience - Instructions to dial into a Zoom meeting is available in the linked article: https://oregonstate.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=81062
Enhanced Experience - Instructions to utilize the enhanced experience are included below:

Note: In order to leverage the enhanced experience, the Zoom meeting MUST be scheduled in Outlook by following the steps below. If the Zoom meeting is scheduled using the Zoom website or within the Zoom desktop app, the meeting information must be added to Outlook, where you can add the location with the room system.  

The room must be configured by your IT group to support this enhanced experience.  To verify if the enhanced experience is available for a specific room system, please contact your local IT group or email zoom.support@oregonstate.edu.  Please complete a test of this process before your scheduled meeting. 



Step 1 - Schedule Zoom Room System Meeting in Outlook

Before you begin, ensure you have the Zoom Outlook Plugin installed. (zoom.us/download)

  • With the Zoom Outlook Plugin installed, open Outlook and click New Meeting.
  1. Enter the Meeting Title into the Subject field
  2. Select your Start Date/Time and End Date/Time
  3. Click To...
  4. Enter the location of the room system into the search field and click Go
  5. Locate and single-click (to highlight) the location with the room system
  6. Click Required (once clicked, the location should automatically appear in the field to the right of Required)
  7. Click OK

  8. Ensure the location selected appears in the To... field (will also populate the Location field)
  9. Now that you've entered all the basic meeting information, click the blue Schedule a Meeting button associated with Zoom

  10. pop-up window will appear, configure the meeting to your needs
  11. Click Continue

  12. The meeting information should automatically populate the body in the New Meeting window
  13. Click Send


Step 2 - Start/Join Scheduled Zoom Meeting from Room System

  1. Once you've completed the above steps to schedule your Zoom room system meeting, you will need to connect the room system to your meeting.
         Note: If you complete the scheduling steps for a meeting that is "right now," it may take up to 5 minutes for the meeting to appear on the touch panel.
  2. Near your scheduled meeting time, enter the location with the room system and ensure the power is on for the following equipment (if installed):
    • Cisco/Polycom device
    • Television or projector
    • Krestron touch panel
    • In-Room sound system
    • Other lighting/equipment
  3. Locate the Cisco/Polycom touch panel (or remote if no touch panel is installed)

  4. On the touch panel (or TV screen) your scheduled meeting should be listed, tap Join Meeting (or use the remote to select Join Meeting). If the meeting does not display, select Meetings from the menu options along the bottom of the screen.

  5. After selecting Join Meeting, you should be joined into the meeting

For assistance on scheduling a Zoom meeting using the enhaced experience, contact the IS Service Desk.

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Article ID: 87650
Wed 9/25/19 8:55 AM
Fri 1/10/20 4:36 PM