Gradescope: Merge two Gradescope accounts

Tags Gradescope

Users who changed their default email address in Canvas may find themselves with two Gradescope accounts - one associated with their ONID email and one associated with their default Canvas email. Use the following steps to merge the two Gradescope accounts.

  1. Log into your Gradescope account associated with your ONID email address and click "Account" in the lower left corner. 
  2. Underneath your email address(es), click "Merge Accounts"
  3. Enter your second email address in the menu. An email will be automatically sent to that second email address. 
  4. Go to your email inbox to confirm that you have access to the second account.
  5. Once you click on the link in your email inbox, you'll be taken back to a page on Gradescope where you can click "Merge Accounts" to finish merging your Gradescope accounts. 
  6. Once the merge is complete, you'll receive one more email to your ONID email account confirming this. You'll now be able to access all of your courses and assignments on Gradescope by logging in using Single Sign On and Duo. You'll need to use the password associated with your ONID email address.

Also, consider changing your Canvas default email back to your ONID email, since using a different default Canvas email can cause similar issues with other platforms. You can adjust the Canvas notifications so they get sent to the appropriate email, regardless of which email is set as your default email in Canvas.