Virtual Computer Lab for Students



  • How can I use a computer to do my homework when on-campus computer labs are not available?


  • Oregon State University
  • Student, Instructor
  • Campus Labs
  • Remote Access


The Virtual Computer Lab provides a way for you to access a campus lab computer from a remote location. If you have access to a computer, but your coursework requires software you don't have, the OSU Virtual Computer Lab may be what you need.

If you don't have reliable access to any computer, please contact the Service Desk to discuss options.

Note: The Virtual Computer Lab is for homework, class projects, or similar interactive work. It is not intended for research projects, rendering, extensive data analysis, or other non-interactive uses. Please contact your department regarding research computing needs.


Access the Virtual Computer Lab

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Install the Citrix WorkSpace client
  2. Open a web browser and go to
  3. Login to Citrix using your ONID username and password
  4. You may see a screen like the one below. If so, click the orange "Detect Receiver" button and select "Citrix Workspace Launcher" and then click "Open link."
    Detect Citrix Receiver
  5. Next, you should see a page that looks like this:
    Citrix Store Front
  6. Click on the image labeled "DESKTOPS"
  7. Click on "OSU Virtual Campus Labs"
  8. You will be assigned a virtual computer to work with

Additional Information

  • Save files to cloud storage. Always save your work to Google Drive, Box, or another cloud service before you log off. You will be assigned a different computer each time you connect, so your desktop and work environment will probably be new each time.
  • Logoff when finished. This is a limited resource, so please log out when you're not using it.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.



Article ID: 103425
Fri 3/27/20 3:09 PM
Sat 9/19/20 6:52 PM