CN - Access CN Printer



  • How do I print to a CN-supported network printer?


  • Oregon State University
  • Community Network
  • Printing


This article is about printing to network printers managed by Community Network (CN).


Note: To print to a CN-managed network printer, your computer must be on the OSU network or connected to the OSU VPN.


  1. Press the Start button and enter: \\
  2. Search for the printer by building name abbreviation; you can use the search box in the upper-right
  3. Right-click on the correct printer and select Connect
  4. Enter your ONID or CN username and password when prompted
  5. The printer will automatically be added to your computer; you do not need to install print drivers


We have found that the print queue server does not work well on Macs. Instead, printing setup is via IP printing direct to the printer.

  1. Find the IP address of the printer; this can often be done by printing a network information page from the printer
  2. Download and install the appropriate driver for the printer
  3. Open System Preferences and select Printers & Scanners
  4. Click on the + to add a printer
  5. Select the IP tab
  6. Enter the IP address of the printer in the Address field
  7. In Protocol, select HP Jetdirect - Socket
  8. Update the Name of the printer if desired
  9. Click Add


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

If there is a specific "request" form add that as link here.



Article ID: 130985
Mon 4/5/21 1:03 PM
Fri 10/21/22 1:56 PM