CN - Mac - Allow ConnectWise Remote Access on a Mac


How to allow applications, such as remote desktop programs, to run on macOS 10.14 Mojave.



  • How do I use ConnectWise on a Mac?


  • Oregon State University
  • MacOS 10.14 (Mojave) or later
  • MacOS 13 (Ventura)
  • ConnectWise


Some software, such as remote access applications, will not work on Mojave Macs unless it is allowed in the Security & Privacy settings. This article will walk you through the steps for allowing applications to run on Mojave. We will be using the ConnectWise Client for an example.


Note: You will need local administrator privileges to follow these steps.

For macOS 13 (Ventura)

  • Open System Settings by clicking on the Apple icon at the top left of your screen or the Gears Icon from the Dock
  • Scroll down to Privacy and Security and select it 
  • Scroll down in Privacy and Security and choose Accessibility
  • If ConnectWise Control Client is not on the list, click the + icon.
  • Enter the admin account and password when prompted. 
  • Browse to the ConnectWise application. Programs are usually found in your Applications folder. However, the "ConnectWiseControl Client." is usually found in your Downloads folder.
  • Select the application and click 'OK.' The application will now be listed. Make sure it is toggled on next to the "ConnectWiseControl Client." like the image below.
  • Hit the back arrow in Accessibility, scroll down to Screen Recording, and add "ConnectWiseControl Client." Make sure it's toggled on. 
  • You should now be able to launch the ConnectWise application.


For macOS 10.4 or Later

  • Open System Preferences by clicking on the Apple icon at the top left of your screen.
  • Click on Security & Privacy an go to the Privacy tab.
  • Choose Accesibilty in the list to the left.
  • Click the Lock icon at the bottom left corner.
  • Enter your admin acount and password when prompted.
  • Click the + icon.
  • Browse to the ConnectWise application. Programs are usually found in your Applications folder, however, the ConnectWise Client is usually found in your Downloads folder.
  • Select the application and click 'OK'. The application will now be listed. Make sure the there is a check mark next to the "ConnectWiseControl Client"
  • Choose Screen Recording from the list on the left and also add ConnectWiseControl Client to allow screen recording
  • Click the Lock icon again to save the changes and close System Preferences.
  • You should now be able to launch the ConnectWise application.



For assistance, contact the Service Desk.



Article ID: 67233
Wed 11/14/18 5:55 PM
Wed 1/4/23 5:05 PM