Trimble TerraSync - Install/Licensing


This article will go over the installation and licensing of Trimble TerraSync.



  • How do I install Trimble TerraSync?
  • What programs come with it?
  • Is Trimble compatible with my computer?


  • Oregon State University
  • Employee
  • Windows

License Restrictions

Available for OSU faculty, staff and students on institutional devices or computers for use in education and non-commercial research.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you leave OSU, you must remove ALL SITE-LICENSED SOFTWARE from your personal computers.  Any valid licenses on work computers may be transferred to another employee.


If installing from off campus, make sure to connect to the VPN before proceeding.

  1. Navigate to \\\software\Trimble in Windows file explorer.
  2. Copy the folders of the programs to install.
    1. GPS Pathfinder
    2. Terrasync
    3. Trimble
  3. Make note of the product keys for the programs in the text document.
  4. Run the setup.exe file located in each folder to start the installation process.
  5. Enter the product key when prompted.
    NOTE: For GPS Pathfinder, if the license key doesn't work, try entering the listed server address in the text document and activate it as a network license instead.

For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.



Article ID: 97469
Wed 2/5/20 8:01 PM
Mon 11/15/21 5:32 PM