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Instructions for allowing specific third-party cookies in Canvas in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Safari does not allow third-party cookie exceptions. Issue can appear in various forms including: blank screen, gray boxes, error messages "vendor content failed to load", "unauthorized access", "session expired", or other messages about cookies and loading in a new tab
Display names cannot be updated in OSU Zoom account profile settings. This information is populated automatically through SSO. Display names can be changed on a per-meeting basis.
The Zoom App Marketplace allows third-party developers to build applications that leverage Zoom’s platform. This article will outline the steps for requesting a 3rd party app integration into Oregon State Zoom.
This KB includes steps on assigning scheduling privilege as well as steps to scheduling a Zoom meeting for someone else.
On March 27, OSU's Zoom account will experience a change to the meeting join flow process. The New Meeting Join Flow streamlines the user experience of joining a meeting. Currently, users see up to three separate dialogue windows during the join flow: Please wait for the host to join, the video preview window, and the Waiting Room (if applicable). Among these improvements, the functionality of the first “waiting for host” window is combined with the third Waiting Room window.
This article covers how to leverage both scheduling an alternate host and making someone a co-host within a running Zoom meeting.
Zoom users now have the ability to enable the Q&A functionality for their Zoom meetings. Q&A allows participants to ask questions during the meeting, and for the host and co-hosts to answer their questions.
On October 12, OSU's Zoom account will experience a change to the Zoom registration process. When an attendee registers for an event, the join link will no longer be displayed on the confirmation page of their web browser. Instead, the attendee will find the join link in the email confirmation.
This article covers the steps for checking for updates in the Zoom desktop application.
Improve the background noise of applications during zoom meetings - allowing you to multitask or switch between applications while in a zoom meeting.