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Services or Offerings?
Telephone and voice services

Submit this form to contact the IS Cascades Service Desk.

You may also reach us by phone at 541-737-8787.

Other support contacts:
* Canvas Support: Click on "Help" in Canvas for contact info
* Qualtrics: 1-800-340-9194
* Zoom Support: 1-888-799-8854

Data and integration

Servers and hosting

Connection and networking

Web and integration

Consulting and presentations

Submit this form to contact the Service Desk.
You may also reach us by phone at 541-737-8787 or in person at Milne Computer Center room 201.
Term hours are M-F 8am-7pm and weekends 3pm-7pm. Break and Summer hours are M-F 8am-5pm.
We will review and respond to your request within those hours.

Other support contacts:
* Canvas Support: Click on "Help" in Canvas for contact info
* Qualtrics: 1-800-340-9194
* Zoom Support: 1-888-799-8854

If you are trying to get transcripts, an ONID account is not required. You can use the self-help method at this website:

To activate an ONID account or reset your password, see:

To sign up for Duo or activate a new Duo device, see:

Technology and assistance

Hosting and email

User verification

User authorization

Request mobile phone service or change existing mobile phone service.

Request programming changes to your phone / voice service.

Support and service