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Services or Offerings?
Once your registration request is submitted, you will receive an e-mail with your ticket number. Please allow 1-3 business days for review. You will be contacted at your OSU e-mail for questions and/or updates.

Use this form to submit general questions about OSU operational data (student, finance, HR, etc.) or OSU operational data tools (Tableau, CORE, Jaspersoft, GRS, Direct Payment System, FS Index Reimbursement System, Scholarship System).

Request access to Library resources (ONID Users)

Contact Kaltura / streaming support

Utilize this form to request the migration of your Drupal 7 site to Drupal 10. You have two options: start fresh with a new Drupal 10 site or have the Digital Experience team perform a partial migration of existing content from your Drupal 7 site.

Form for people to request a Tableau license for use with institutional data. Cannot be used to purchase a Tableau license for academic research.