Exchange Online - Start Publishing Calendars


  • How do I publish my calendar in Exchange Online?


  • Oregon State University
  • Exchange Email


If you'd like to share your Exchange calendar with others, you can choose to publish it. By following the process below, you can allow people to see your current appointments via the web. This can be useful if you have a need for individuals on campus, off campus, or even people outside of the university to view your calendar.

Before sharing your calendar in this manner, especially if you opt to display full details of the appointments, it is a good idea to verify that you won't be sharing any sensitive personal or confidential information.


  1. Log in to the Outlook on the Web App at
  2. Click on the Settings gear in the upper right-hand corner Settings gear icon is selected.
  3. At the very bottom of the pop up sidebar menu, click on Calendar Calendar link is highlighted.
  4. On the far-left sidebar, under Calendar > Shared Calendars, click on Calendar publishing. You may have to expand a few drop-down menus to find the option.
    Click on Calendar > Shared calendars > Calendar publishing
  5. This will bring you to the Calendar publishing menu. Under Select a calendar, choose the calendar you would like to share.
  6. Under Select permissions, choose the setting that fits your needs best.
    • Not shared: Your calendar will not be published.
    • Availability only: Shares only free/busy information
    • Limited details: Shows the subject of the appointment
    • Full details: Shows all appointment information
  7. Click the Save button at the top of the page. Save button.
  8. This will generate two calendar links at the bottom of the page.
    • HTML: Use this link to share your calendar via a web browser.
    • ICS: Use this link to download a .ICS calendar file. This can be used to import your calendar with various email and calendar programs.



For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 48337
Mon 2/12/18 3:10 PM
Fri 4/7/23 5:05 PM