What is the "Learning Library" in Bridge?


  • What is the "Learning Library" in Bridge?


  • Bridge


The Learning Library allows any users to opt-in to courses (that are in the Learning Library) that they are interested in. Currently (June 2019), courses in the Learning Library are not required. In the near future however, some courses in the library will be required and the requirement is work-type or project based. The best way to know the requirement is to contact your direct supervisor. 

In the Learning Library, there is an Introduction to Bridge course. This course explains in more detail and depth of how to navigate Bridge, including the Learning Library. 

In general, Learning Library courses have certificates attached to them. Each learning library course would have one completion certificate, and the certificate serves as a record (for the user and supervisor) of course completion. HR Critical Training courses don't have certificates. This is because the Learning Library courses are delivered in an "opt-in" manner, and they are not assigned to users in Bridge. Having the certificates will help supervisors and training sponsors to know what employees have done so that they could record and track training completion. 




Article ID: 80394
Mon 6/10/19 8:45 AM
Wed 7/31/19 1:19 PM