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Information about eligibility for Box.
On June 15, 2022, Box will discontinue the Box Notes desktop app and all Box Notes users will need to use either (web app) or the Box Mobile app to access their Notes.
Box sync vs Box drive
New employees may receive an "Access Denied" message when trying to access Box.
Unable to log-in to Box Drive. Upgrade the Box Drive application to resolve the issue.
Box Collections provides the ability to organize your Box content in logical groups of your choice to fit your needs and preferences. Collections can include files and folders you own and that have been shared with you as a collaborator. Collections are unique to your account and do not affect anyone else's access to shared content.
Box's new UI to be released to OSU's Box Account on February 16, 2021
When browsing University Relations and Marketing - Downloads, and error "Opps! We can't seem to find the page you're looking for" displays when attempting to access files and folders. Changing folder view in Box to "List View" resolves the issue and provides access to the files.