ONID - Access ONID Home Folder via WinSCP on Windows


These instructions are for connecting your Windows computer to the ONID home directory will If your Windows computer is not on the OSU network, or the On Campus instructions do not work for you, you can use any SSH-based secure file copy program.

We recommend WinSCP to securely transfer files between your computer and your ONID account: https://winscp.net/eng/download.php



  1. Start WinSCP.
  2. Go to the Session page.
  3. File protocol should be set to SFTP
  4. "Host name" should be set to shell.onid.oregonstate.edu
  5. Port number should be 22
  6. "Username" should be your ONID username.
  7. "Password" should be your ONID password.
  8. Click Save to save the connection for future use
    1. Choose a site name to remember later (ex. ONID File Storage)
  9. Click Login to connect.  You may be asked for your password again.
  10. If you are asked "Continue connecting and add host key to the cache?", click Yes.
  11. For DUO authentication, either enter in 1 to send a DUO push or put in a DUO passcode to continue
  12. To transfer a file or directory from your ONID account to your computer, simply drag-and-drop the item from the right side to the left side. To transfer a file from your computer to your ONID account, drag-and-drop the item from the left side to the right side.
  13. To close your connection and exit WinSCP, click on the Commands menu and choose Quit.

Issues with File Transfer and Duo

If you are trying to download files with WinSCP and it is asking for Duo authentication for each file, follow these steps:

  1. In WinSCP, go to Options -> Preferences -> Transfer -> Background
  2. Uncheck "enable queue processing"
  3. uncheck "transfer on background by default"
  4. uncheck "use multiple connections for single transfer"


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 45708
Wed 1/3/18 1:20 PM
Thu 5/13/21 12:40 PM

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