MS Bookings - Admin Interface Not Available if Hidden from the Global Address List


  • Why am I unable to access the admin interface for my Bookings Calendar page?


  • Oregon State University
  • Employee
  • Bookings 


When a Bookings Calendar is hidden from the Global Address List (GAL), then the Admin Interface for that calendar is no longer discoverable.


Method 1

  1. Bookmark the page for the Admin Interface.  This will allow access to the interface even if it is not able to be found by searching for it.
  2. If this option is not working, please follow the steps in Method 2.


Method 2

  1. Mark the Bookings Calendar as NOT hidden in the Global Address List (GAL).
    1. If you are unable to access the GAL directly, please contact your IT Support Group for assistance with this step.
  2. The Admin Interface for that Booking Calendar should now be available.



For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 133069
Wed 7/7/21 11:01 AM
Thu 9/5/24 9:35 AM