Enrolling a Mac in Jamf using an enrollment URL

Tags jamf macos

There is a process for enrolling in Jamf. Before you begin, please note that you MUST have admin privileges on your Mac in order to complete this process. If you do not have these privileges, please notify your IT support team and work with them to complete the process. The link for enrolling is below:


  • Upon clicking this link, you will be prompted “To continue with enrollment, you need to install the CA certificate for your organization.” Press Continue. This will download a Profile on your Mac.

  • On most versions of macOS, you will then be taken to the Profiles section of the System Preferences on your Mac but if you have Big Sur installed, you will have to navigate to System Preferences and then choose Profiles. Here you will be asked ‘Are you sure you want to install “CA Certificate”?’ Click Continue then click Install.

  • The Profiles screen should then show a User Profiles certificate named “CA Certificate” and it should show as “Verified” in green.

  • Return to the same web page as earlier and you will find that you are now prompted to install a *SECOND* Profile. “To continue with enrollment, you need to install the MDM profile for your organization.” Press Continue.

  • Again, you will be asked ‘Are you sure you want to install “MDM Profile”?’ Click Install. You will again be asked ‘Are you sure you want to install “MDM Profile”?’ Click Install. This time you will be prompted to enter local admin credentials on your Mac. If you do not have those credentials, work with your administrator to complete this installation.

 After you complete this step, the Profiles screen should then show a three additional User Profiles, “Jamf Notifications”, “MDM Profile”, and “Privacy Preferences Policy Control”, all of   which should show as “Verified” in green, and you will have done your part in Defending the Macs on campus, which is greatly appreciated.