Qualtrics Overview

What is Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is an online research surveying software developed for research purposes. All OSU students, staff, and faculty have access to the tool through their ONID accounts.

The main functions of Qualtrics are to craft well-designed surveys, distribute them online, generate reports, and collaborate with multiple users on survey creation.

How do you access Qualtrics?

Go to the Oregon State Univeristy Qualtrics page at https://uit.oregonstate.edu/qualtrics

Need help using Qualtrics?

The Qualtrics vendor website has many support articles and tutorials on how to use Qualtric. Below are a few particularly helpful links that we've picked out for you.

Main Qualtrics Support page The home page for all Qualtrics support articles and trainings.
Learn the Research Core A complete training guide on getting started with Qualtrics and creating your first survey, accessing your data, and generating reports for analysis. You can choose to take the quick overview course or dive deeper into each topic if needed.
Survey Building Overview Gives a few tips on survey building, how to write your questions, how to make your survey flow, and more.
Employee Surveys Gives links to multiple resources that can help you build the right survey for your employees.
Data Analysis Guides A collection of guides that teach you how to run various statistical analyses within Qualtrics' platform.
Collecting Responses Teaches you how to activate your newly-created survey and begin collecting data from respondents.
Results-Reports Basic Overview Goes over the Reports tab within Qualtrics' platform, along with how to generate new reports and export the resulting information to a shareable file.


If you cannot access Qualtrics using your ONID account, or need any other assistance, feel free to call the Service Desk at 541-737-8787.

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