Top Hat: How do I create a student account in Top Hat through Canvas?


  • How do I create a student account in Top Hat through Canvas?


  • Oregon State University
    • Student
      • Top Hat
      • Canvas


Creating an account through the Top Hat course menu item in Canvas is the preferred method for students to create and access their Top Hat account. If your instructor is using Top Hat and does not have a Top Hat menu item in their Canvas course, let us know at and we can reach out to the faculty member.

  1. Navigate to the OSU Beaver Store to purchase your Top Hat subscription code and choose a 1-year or 4-year subscription. Currently, a 4-year subscription provides the best cost-savings for students who will need to use Top Hat for more than a year (i.e. first- and second-year students).
  2. Go to one of your Canvas courses that is using Top Hat, click on Top Hat in the course menu on the left.
  3. Click on Sign up to create a Top Hat account. Make sure to use your OSU ONID email when creating your Top Hat account. 
  4. Agree with the Terms and Conditions and click Next to proceed.
  5. Enter your 9-digit Student ID, or skip this step.
  6. Enter your mobile phone number, or skip this step.
  7. Click Continue to and enter the subscription code you purchased previously at the OSU Beaver Store (see step #1 above).
  8. Complete the purchase and click on Go to my Lobby to see any Top Hat course(s) in which you are a student.

NOTE:  It is very important that students register their Top Hat account using their OSU ONID email address. Creating a Top Hat account using a non-ONID email will prevent student Top Hat scores from synchronizing with their grades in Canvas. Using the steps above will automatically link your Top Hat account to your ONID email address, as long as you have not changed your default email in Canvas. If you used a non-ONID email address for your Top Hat account, use these instructions to change your Top Hat account setting.

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Classroom Response team at Oregon State:

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Article ID: 57011
Fri 7/6/18 5:59 PM
Fri 3/18/22 9:14 AM