Kaltura: Retention policy


  • How long will my videos stay on the system?
  • If I leave, will my videos be deleted?


  • Oregon State
    • MediaSpace
    • Canvas


No content in the Kaltura platform is deleted automatically after a certain period of time. Media in the Kaltura platform will continue to exist indefinitely unless the user actively moves to delete their own content.

The departure of a student or employee also does not result in that content being deleted. If necessary, media in the Kaltura platform belonging to someone departing OSU can be transferred to another user. In the event that a person has already departed OSU, a Kaltura system administrator can address this change. In such a case, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 76592
Mon 4/22/19 1:32 PM
Sat 8/7/21 2:40 PM