Opening Local Files for ArcGIS Pro in Citrix on a Mac


  • How do I open my saved ArcGIS Pro files through Citrix on my Mac?
  • How should I access ArcGIS Pro through Citrix on my Mac?


  • Oregon State University
  • Citrix Desktops
  • Mac OS
  • ArcGIS Pro 


For Mac users using ArcGIS Pro on Citrix Apps, there might not be an option to open existing projects from their files saved on the computer.  Within Citrix Desktops users will be able to login to a Windows remote desktop and use ArcGIS Pro to open projects that are saved to their Mac. 


Open Local ArcGIS Project Files on Citrix Workspace

If you need to install Citrix Workspace:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your ONID username and password
  3. When prompted, download Citrix Workspace

Open ArcGIS Pro in Citrix Workspace:

  1. Open Citrix Workspace on your Mac
  2. Login with your and ONID password
  3. Select "Desktops" in the top bar
  4. Select "CAS - Lab Computers" in Desktops
  5. Wait for the Windows Desktop to load
  6. Open the Start Menu and search for "ArcGIS Pro"
  7. Open ArcGIS Pro
  8. In the main menu, select "Open Another Project"
  9. In the Open Project window, select the text in the location bar
  10. Type in "\\Client\C$" into the location bar
  11. Your local files on your Mac should appear in the Open Project window
  12. Select the Project that you want to open


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 98432
Fri 2/14/20 9:25 AM
Tue 11/8/22 8:37 AM