AWA - Can't Find A Workflow (Job)

Tags AWA


  • How do I locate a workflow?
  • The search function doesn't work
  • Why can't I locate a specific workflow?


  • Oregon State University
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Faculty/Staff
  • People who use or run scheduled jobs/workflows
  • AWA users


To locate workflows, go to My Catalog.  To locate previous executions of a workflow, go to Process Monitoring. 

The search function does not include an index of the catalog, therefore you cannot use it to search for a workflow--you must use My Catalog or Process Monitoring.  The vendor is aware we would like this functionality added.

Other reasons you cannot locate a specific workflow:

  1. You may not have a Banner security class allowing you access to that workflow.  Contact the appropriate core business office to discuss your need for additional access.
  2. The workflow may not be located in catalog you expect (e.g. STUDENT versus FINANCE).  Many workflows are used by multiple organizations--be sure to check other catalogs.


Adding My Catalog or Process Monitoring Tabs

  1. My Catalog and Process Monitoring are tabs located on the black bar at the top of the screen.
  2. If not visible, click on the "+v" in the black bar and select the desired tab


Finding Workflows in My Catalog

  1. Open the My Catalog tab
  2. If necessary, select the Catalog entry from the bottom of the left navigation panel

  3. From the catalog menu, select a catalog (ARSYS, FINAID, etc.) to view available workflows

Finding previous workflow executions in Process Monitoring

The process monitoring view displays all workflows currently running on the system.  Use its filter feature to locate past executions or workflows run by a particular user.

  1. Open the Process Monitoring tab
  2. If necessary, expand the Name column to view the full name of jobs listed

  3. Active workflows are displayed.  Use the Filter function to locate workflows previously executed.

Filtering Example -- Display all Workflows I have Executed

  1. Click the Filter button

  2. If User Object is not a displayed field, add it.
    1. Select Filter/Add Filter Criteria.
    2. Scroll and select User Object

  3. Under User Object, click Current User (or enter ONID account)
  4. Under Time Frame (add this filter if necessary), select Task Start and pick a timeframe from which to display executions
  5. Select Include deactivated tasks to show completed executions
  6. Click Filter to activate the filter


Filtering Example -- Display Past Executions of a Specific Workflow

  1. Select Filter/Add Filter Criteria
  2. If needed, add any missing fields using the Add Filter Criteria option
  3. Enter the workflow name (partial names will work) in the Task Name field
  4. Under Time Frame, select Task Start and pick a timeframe from which to display executions
  5. Select Include deactivated tasks to show completed executions
  6. Click Filter to activate the filter

Filtering Example - Saving Custom Filters

  1. After applying a filter, click Custom filter
  2. Click Save custom filter as..

  3. Give it a name


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.