

  • Service Type: Enabling
  • Security Rating: Sensitive
  • Business Impact: High
  • Business Priority: High
  • Lines of Service:
    • How We Learn
    • How We Operate The University
    • How We Conduct Research



A brief summary of this service

Canvas is a learning management system (LMS), which is a Web-based platform for course material, assignments, grades, communication, and all activities related to teaching and learning.  Canvas is used for all modalities of courses taught at Oregon State University: traditional face-to-face, hybrid, Ecampus online, Extension and continuing education courses.


How this service adds value towards the mission of the university

A web based learning platform for teaching and learning.

Service Access

Request Access

How to access to this service

Access and login with your ONID account.

Service Hours

When this service is available

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Charges, Options & Fees

The cost for someone to access this service

No cost


Who can access this service

Available to students and employees.

  • Students: All
  • Employees: Some
  • Departments: N/A
  • Associated Groups: N/A

Requirements for Access

Any additional requirements before a user can access this service

ONID account, access to a course in Canvas.

Support & Training


When support for this service is available

24x7 - Support from Canvas vendor.


What training is available for this service

Service Management

Service Ownership

Contacts related to management or ownership of this service
  • Business Owner(s):
  • Business Contact(s):
  • Business Unit(s):
  • Service Owner(s): Director of Academic Technology.
  • Service Manager(s): Associate Director Learning Platform Services
  • Escalation Contact(s):


The cost to operate this service

Current year costs have not been calculated

Service Level Agreement

The agreed upon level of service between the provider and user

None at this time

Other Services


Services related to this service that are not Enabling or Enhancing


Services that must be in place for this service to be delivered

Support for teaching with and assessing uses of academic technologies.


Services that enhance the value of this service and are not absolutely required

Request assistance


Service ID: 38667
Mon 9/9/19 1:51 PM
Mon 6/17/24 12:36 PM