Kaltura - Change or share ownership/permissions of your media with individual users


Kaltura is Oregon State University's video platform. Kaltura allows for the assignment of permissions or reassignment of ownership of media (video, audio, and images) based on a user's ONID name or a group defined in Kaltura.


  • How do I make someone else the owner of my media?
  • Can I have multiple owners of my Media?


  • Oregon State
    • MediaSpace
    • Canvas


In a number of cases, whether someone is departing a department and wishes to hand off their media to another person, or if someone is uploading media on another person's behalf, etc., users may need to reassign ownership of their media in Kaltura. Kaltura allows for the reassignment of ownership:

Reassign Ownership

  1. Visit My Media in either Canvas or MediaSpace
  2. Click the Edit button for the desired media
  3. Click on the Collaboration tab
  4. Click on the "Change media owner" button
  5. In the dialogue box that pops up, search for the person to whom you'd like to assign the media by first name, last name, or ONID name, and then select that user
  6. Click Save

Additional Permissions

In addition to reassigning the ownership of your media, Kaltura allows for the assignment of three other tiers of permissions:

  • Co-editors: can change the parameters of your media, such as the title or description, edit it, or it's captions
  • Co-publishers: can publish your media, but not change parameters, edit it, or it's captions
  • Co-viewers: can view your media, but not affect any changes
 Permission Level  View Media  Publish Media  Edit Captions  Delete Media  Access Analytics  Add Co-Editors, Co-Publishers, or transfer media ownership
 Co-Viewer  X          
 Co-Publisher  X  X        
 Co-Editor  X    X    X  
 Owner  X  X  X  X  X  X

To modify the permissions of your media:

  1. Visit My Media in either Canvas or MediaSpace
  2. Click the Edit button for the media in question
  3. Click on the Collaboration tab
  4. Click on the "Add Collaborator" button
  5. In the dialogue box that pops up, search for the person to whom you'd like to assign the media by first name, last name, or ONID name, and then select that user
  6. Check the box for Co-Editor, Co-Publisher, or Co-Viewer
  7. Click Add

All permission modifications can be made to individuals or groups.

For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.

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Article ID: 68855
Wed 12/12/18 10:25 AM
Wed 10/19/22 8:51 PM