Kaltura: Edit, delete, or download captions from your Kaltura media

Kaltura is Oregon State University's video platform. Among its features is the ability to update/edit captions for a video that already has captions associated with it, or delete those captions entirely. If your video does not yet have captions, please refer to this article on adding captions to a Kaltura video.


  • How do I update/edit/fix the captions for my video?
  • How do I delete captions associated with my video?
  • How do I download captions associated with my video?


  • Oregon State
    • Kaltura


Captions can be added to a Kaltura in a number of ways. In a number of cases, a user may want to update, edit, or correct the captions that appear with their video. Or a user may want to delete captions if they feel they no longer need them.

Editing Captions

  1. Visit My Media in either Canvas or MediaSpace
  2. Click the pencil icon that corresponds to your video in order to edit that video's information
  3. Choose the Captions tab
  4. Click the Edit Captions button and the captions editor will open
  5. To edit the timestamp of each line, click the desired timestamp to modify the time. The editor will highlight any overlapping time.
  6. To search, enter your text in the "Search in captions" box.
  7. To find and replace text:
    1. Enter your search term in the "Search in captions" box
    2. Enter your replacement term in the "Replace with" box
    3. Click Replace
  8. To add a speaker ID:
    1. Select the rows you want a speaker added to
    2. Enter your speaker ID in the "Add speaker to selected items" box
    3. Click Add
  9. When you are finished making edits, click Save

Deleting Captions

  1. Visit My Media in either MediaSpace or Canvas
  2. Click the pencil icon that corresponds to your video in order to edit that video's information
  3. Choose the Captions tab
  4. Click the X icon that corresponds to the captions the user wants to delete
  5. Confirm you want to delete these captions by clicking on the Delete button

Downloading Captions

  1. Visit My Media in either MediaSpace or Canvas
  2. Click the pencil icon that corresponds to your video in order to edit that video's information
  3. Choose the Captions tab
  4. Click the Download icon

Consult the following tutorial for a video demonstrating these functions.

Editing Captions

For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.

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Article ID: 85347
Wed 8/21/19 10:32 AM
Thu 8/6/20 11:38 AM

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