Jaspersoft - Ad Hoc View


  • How do I make new Jaspersoft domain fields?
  • How do I make new Jaspersoft measures for use in an existing Ad Hoc view?


  • Oregon State University
  • CORE


To add a field to an ad hoc view in Jaspersoft:

  1. In the left panel, hover over the icon that appears after the name of the domain and choose "Select Fields" from the drop-down list.
  2. Highlight the desired fields in the "Available Fields" pane and double-click or use the arrows in the middle to move the fields to the "Selected Fields" pane. Then click OK.
  3. After the screen refreshes, the fields should appear in the Fields (or Measures) list.
  4. Save the ad hoc view.


For assistance, Contact the UIT Data Team.