VPN- DNS Server Isn't Responding- "Roaming Security"

Tags vpn


  • How do I remove/disable "Umbrella Roaming Security"?
  • "DNS Server Isn't Responding"
  • Network Drives Disconnecting


  • Oregon State University
  • Community Network
  • Network Drives
  • Windows
  • Cisco AnyConnect VPN 


This error commonly occurs when a user has installed Cisco AnyConnect through a different school and the Roaming Security is part of that download.

It is not a necessary part of the Cisco AnyConnect client but does disrupt DNS resolution on our network.


  1. Connect to vpn.oregonstate.edu
  2. Look for "Roaming Security: Umbrella is active" or something similar


  1. In settings or the Windows menu go to "Add or Remove Programs"
  2. Remove Cisco AnyConnect and be sure any other Cisco AnyConnect programs also get removed- like Umbrella.
    • Do Not Just uninstall the Cisco AnyConnect Umbrella Application. When the user connects back to one of the schools it will likely re-add it.
    • Must completely uninstall all parts of Cisco AnyConnect
  3. Re-install the VPN from https://oregonstate.app.box.com/v/cisco-vpn-clients 
    • Follow this KB: VPN Setup
    • It is important that the VPN be installed from OSU links to be certain that the Roaming Security will not be added as well.
  4. Have the user test connecting to vpn.oregonstate.edu and any other network they connect to through Cisco AnyConnect.
    • Ensure that the Roaming Security does not add itself again and that they can access other school's networks.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.

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Article ID: 138166
Tue 5/31/22 3:56 PM
Thu 5/16/24 5:57 PM