MS Bookings - Former OSU Person's Bookings Calendar Still Active


  • A former OSU person had a Bookings page that is still active, even though they have left OSU. How can this be found and turned off?


  • Oregon State University
  • Microsoft Bookings
  • Former Employee, Former Student


A Bookings calendar created by an OSU person can persist as long as their ONID account exists. An Exchange administrator may need to find and remove such a calendar to prevent people trying to schedule with a person after they have left.


An Exchange administrator can perform the following steps:

  1. in PowerShell ISE:
    • connect-exchangeonline
    • $bookingscalendars = Get-Exomailbox -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq "SchedulingMailbox"} -Properties PrimarySMTPAddress -ResultSize Unlimited
      • This command may take a long time to complete
    • $bookingscalendars | Get-MailboxPermission | ? {$_.user -like "*username*"} | fl Identity
      • replace "username" with the account holder's ONID username
      • This command may take a long time to complete
  2. Once the Bookings mailbox has been found, assign yourself full mailbox permissions to it:
    • add-mailboxpermission -Identity {identity} -user -accessrights FullAccess
      • replace {identity} with the identity/name you found in the steps above
  3. Next, browse to the Bookings admin interface at:


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.


Article ID: 156235
Wed 6/14/23 5:46 PM
Wed 6/14/23 6:04 PM