Exchange - Update Calendar Name in Outlook


  • How do I update the display name of a shared calendar that was renamed?
  • The shared calendar has a different name on my co-worker's computer.
  • This calendar is showing the old name of the calendar.


  • Oregon State University
  • Exchange Email


When a shared calendar is renamed, Outlook doesn't automatically show the new name.



  1. Right click on the calendar that's been renamed and click "Remove from View".
    NOTE: This only removes the calendar from view in Outlook, it doesn't remove the calendar for everyone.
  2. From the top, click on "Open Shared Calendar".
  3. Search for the new name of the calendar, select it, and hit "Open".
  4. Click "OK".


  1. Right click on the calendar that's been renamed and click "Delete Calendar."
    NOTE: This only removes the calendar from view in Outlook; it doesn't remove the calendar for everyone.
  2. From the top, click on "Add Calendar" -> "From Room List".
  3. Search for the new name of the calendar and double click it.
  4. Click "OK."

Note: Alternatively, you can right-click on a calendar and select "Rename." This only renames the calendar in your Outlook view and does not affect how it appears for anyone else.


For assistance, contact the Service Desk.