Microsoft Access - Buttons or Other UI Elements in a Downloaded Database Not Working


  • A Microsoft Access database downloaded from the internet has buttons or other interactable elements that are not working correctly, appearing to not do anything.


  • Microsoft Access
  • A database that was downloaded from the internet


This issue could arise from Microsoft Access not 'trusting' the database. If the database is not trusted, Microsoft Acess will not allow the database to run any scripts.

In order to trust the database:

  1. Open up Microsoft Access and head to File -> Options 
  2. In the settings box, go to the 'Center' tab on the left, and then click on 'Trust Center Settings' 
  3. Click on the 'trusted locations' tab and then 'add trusted locations'. Add the file locations that the Access databases are stored in. 
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Article ID: 86501
Mon 9/9/19 12:47 PM
Tue 12/8/20 3:51 PM