Kaltura: Share your video outside of Canvas (via MediaSpace)


A guide on how to publish content to MediaSpace and a description of the different options for publication (private, unlisted, published).



Kaltura is Oregon State University's video platform. By default, videos uploaded to Kaltura are private and inaccessible to anyone but the original uploader or content "owner".

Before you publish anything, refamiliarize yourself with Oregon State University’s policies, rules and regulations including but not limited to those pertaining to:

» Acceptable Use of Computing Resources
» Accessibility
» Copyright
» Data Management
» Equal Opportunity & Access
» Privacy/FERPA

 Kaltura empowers users to control how their videos are published and shared. Refer to instructions on how change ownership of your media or share permissions if you would like to allow colleagues to manage the content.


  • Oregon State
    • MediaSpace


  • How do I make my video visible to students in my Canvas course?
  • How do I make my video only viewable to me?
  • How do I make my video viewable to anyone?
  • How do I make my video viewable by a specific OSU person?
  • Others get an "Access Denied" error when trying to view my content.


In order to share your video through for academic purposes, refer to the article on sharing Kaltura media in Canvas.

Publish in MediaSpace

Videos in MediaSpace can carry one of three different permissions. The default setting for videos is private which means the video is only viewable by the owner of the video.

  • Private: Only the owner of the content (you) can view
  • Unlisted: Anyone with the link to your content can view
    • Content will not be found by browsing or searching in MediaSpace. However, the link that allows users to view the video can be shared by others and may become public. This solution is for publishing discreet, but not sensitive, material.
    • The Unlisted option is currently only available when you access a video through My Media in MediaSpace. It is not available through My Media in Canvas.
  • Published: Your content will be visible to anyone within the categories that you choose
    • Here you'll find two further options:
      • Categories is the default option. Choosing this option will prompt you to make your video Public. All videos published through a category are public to everyone.
      • Channels in MediaSpace behave like a secure folder and allow a user to restrict their media to varying degrees from "no one" to "everyone". For more information on creating a channel and publishing your video to a channel, refer to the article on Kaltura Channels.
    • To help viewers find your content, it is important to make it as "discoverable" as possible. A proper title, description, and metatags with keywords about the topic and presenter will help in search results for external search engines as well as internal searches through MediaSpace. Content that has been captioned will also have its transcription text searched when using the MediaSpace search.

Note: If your video is not published using one of the methods listed above, distributing a link to that video will result in an "Access Denied" error for anyone who follows the link.

To modify the permissions of your video in MediaSpace:

  1. Visit My Media in MediaSpace
  2. Click on the media you'd like to make public
  3. Select Publish from the Actions menu underneath the media
  4. Choose Private, Unlisted, or Published
    • The Unlisted option is currently only available when you access a video through My Media in MediaSpace. It is not available through My Media in Canvas.
    • For Published, select one or more categories into which to sort your media; you must choose at least one category in order for your video to be Published

Embed Your Video

By embedding your video on an external webpage, you cede control of that's video's access to the webpage where it appears. That webpage may be restricted or fully accessible on the Internet. To learn how to embed your video on a webpage, refer to the article on embedding Kaltura media in a web page.

Share with specific individuals

To share your video with a specific individual, please refer to the article on changing or sharing ownership/permissions of your media with individual users

For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.



Article ID: 68671
Mon 12/10/18 12:46 PM
Tue 9/26/23 11:58 AM

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This KB includes information on how to locate a Zoom Recording that by default should appear in Media Space.