Kaltura is Oregon State University's video platform. Kaltura is fully integrated into Canvas. Media that a user has previously uploaded through MediaSpace is available through "My Media" in Canvas and, conversely, any media that a user uploads through Canvas will be available to them in "My Media" in MediaSpace. My Media reflects a user's own media content, regardless of what publishing settings have been set for each item in that collection. Each user will see their own collection of content after clicking "My Media" in Canvas as they're looking at their own content and not another person's. Two primary options exist for a user to share their media in Canvas as explained below.
- How do I share Kaltura videos in Canvas?
To share a direct link to a video or share a video with a person outside of Oregon State University, you'll want to share your video through MediaSpace at media.oregonstate.edu. If you'd like to share your video exclusively through Canvas, you have a few options, listed below.
Embed directly into Canvas Content (RECOMMENDED)
In parts of Canvas where the Rich Content Editor (RCE) toolbar is available (pages, assignments, quizzes, announcements, discussions), a small "Embed My Media" filmstrip button in the RCE toolbar allows you to select content from your My Media collection and embed it directly into content. By embedding video directly into Canvas content, you can add text before or after the video to provide some instructions and/or additional context for the video. Embedded media will be visible to users who have access to that Canvas item in the course e.g., students can access an embedded video on a published page, but not an unpublished page. Additionally, analytics on which students watch your video will also be generated for videos embedded through the small filmstrip button. For detailed instructions, see the article Embedding media in Canvas through the Canvas Rich Content Editor.
Media Gallery
A teacher or student can publish media to Media Gallery, the collective media repository for the Canvas course. Unless you've added other restrictions (e.g., a publishing schedule), media added to the Media Gallery will be visible to all people enrolled in the Canvas course. While it is technically possible to 'push' media from My Media into Media Gallery, we highly recommend that users 'pull' media into the Media Gallery instead to avoid occasional issues that occur when trying to 'push' videos. For detailed instructions on 'pulling' videos into the Media Gallery, see the article Adding media to the Media Gallery in a Canvas course.
Both options collect analytics on the usage of your media content within the course. These analytics can be viewed using these instructions: View statistics/analytics about my Kaltura videos
For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.