Canvas: Add (or remove) teaching assistants (TAs), graders, designers or observers to a course

Tags Canvas AddTA


Canvas is Oregon State University's Learning Management System. The 'Add TA...' tool in Canvas can be used to add OSU individuals to Canvas courses as teaching assistants (CanvasTA), graders, designers or observers. Learn more about the differences between these roles and permissions. The tool also allows faculty using a crosslisted or merged Canvas course to add individuals to specific sections within the combined or crosslisted course.

  • Only OSU individuals can be added to Canvas courses through the tool.
  • People added with the Add TA tool can also be removed with the Add TA tool.

Adding a CanvasTA or Grader

You will not be able to add an individual as a CanvasTA or Grader until they have completed FERPA training through the Registrar's Office. Learn more about how to complete FERPA training for employees and non-employees. The Registrar's Office can verify whether an individual has completed FERPA training. Once the individual has completed FERPA training and it has been recorded by the Registrar's Office, the instructor can add the OSU individual as a CanvasTA or Grader using the instructions below.

Instructions to Add a Person 

  1. Log in to Canvas
  2. Navigate to the course to which you want to add a person as an Observer, Designer, Grader or CanvasTA.
  3. Enable the OSU Instructor Tools navigation item if it is not already enabled.
  4. Click OSU Instructor Tools in the course navigation menu.
  5. Click Launch Add TA... tool on the OSU Instructor Tools page.
  6. Click Add New Person.
  7. Enter the ONID Username in the field for the person you want to add, or use the dropdown menus to search for the individual a different way, and click Start Search.
  8. Select the role next to the person you are adding (e.g., Observer or Designer, Grader, or Observer).
    • To add someone as a CanvasTA or Grader (roles that require FERPA training), check the box next to "Show FERPA Roles". If the person has not completed FERPA training through the Office of the Registrar, please have the person review FERPA training information provided by the Office of the Registrar. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions about FERPA training.
      "Show FERPA Roles" checkbox in column header
  9. Select the section(s) that the person should be added to.
  10. Click Add Person and wait for the screen to refresh
  11. Click Main Page to go back to the Add TA... main screen.

ONID Username

Using a person's ONID username will ensure that you are adding the correct person with the Add TA tool. If you aren't able to ask the person for their ONID username, you can generally find their ONID username through the Oregon State University Search page. You can enter the person's OSU email (e.g., or name into the search field, and look for a match in the People box located on the right side of the screen. If the correct person is listed in the People box, click their name to view their online directory page where the ONID username will be listed at the bottom of their record.

Instructions to Remove a Person

  1. Log in to Canvas
  2. Navigate to the course where you want to remove a person with an Observer, Designer, Grader or CanvasTA role
  3. Enable the OSU Instructor Tools navigation item if it is not already enabled.
  4. Click OSU Instructor Tools in the course navigation menu.
  5. Click Launch Add TA... tool on the OSU Instructor Tools page.
  6. Click Remove Person
  7. Select the person/people you want to remove
  8. Click Remove

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article
  • Send an email to
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Article ID: 62016
Fri 9/7/18 11:53 AM
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