Canvas: Merged and crosslisted courses in Canvas

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Canvas is Oregon State University's Learning Management System. Merged and crosslisted courses have sections within a single Canvas site. Sections provide additional functionality for managing groups and assigning differential due dates in Canvas. Learn more about section functionality in crosslisted course sites.

Merged Courses

Faculty can use the Course Merge tool to merge Canvas courses that meet the following criteria:

*OSU’s current legal interpretation of FERPA restricts courses of different modalities from being taught from the same Canvas course site. Multiple Ecampus sections of a course can be merged together and multiple sections of an on-campus course can be merged together, but an Ecampus section cannot be merged with an on-campus section.

Crosslisted Course Sites ("X" sites)

When a course is listed under two different names, e.g. listed as both an undergraduate version and a graduate version OR listed under different designators, it is a crosslisted course. In other words, if the two versions of the course are taught at the same time and place, they should be crosslisted. In order for a course to be technically crosslisted, the crosslist designation must be set in Banner by the Registrar's Office. Once the courses are crosslisted in Banner, a crosslisted course site will appear in Canvas.

The crosslisted course will have the same Canvas course code as one of the original sections with the exception of the addition of an "X" to the front of the section number.

How can you tell which enrollments are included in a crosslisted or merged Canvas course?

If you have a crosslisted course in Canvas, you can view which course section enrollments are part of the crosslisted course by using the Crosslisted? tool in Canvas:

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course site
  2. Enable the OSU Instructor Tools navigation item if it is not already enabled.
  3. Click OSU Instructor Tools in the course navigation menu
  4. Click Crosslisted? on the OSU Instructor Tools page

The Crosslisted? tool will display whether the Canvas site contains merged or crosslisted sections, or is associated with a crosslisted Canvas site.

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article
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Article ID: 69424
Mon 12/31/18 8:45 AM
Wed 10/25/23 3:05 PM

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