Articles (73)

Canvas: How to Access Canvas

Information about access Canvas and getting additional help.

Canvas: Add (or remove) teaching assistants (TAs), graders, designers or observers to a course

Click Add TA... in course menu, search for individual to be added, select the correct role, select section(s). FERPA training required for CanvasTA and Grader roles.

Canvas: Give course access to students resolving an incomplete from a past term

Giving course access to students resolving an incomplete grade in a past term course.

Canvas: Create a Canvas Sandbox site (formerly Studio site)

In Canvas, click Account >> Profile >> My Sandbox Sites. Follow prompts.

Canvas: Add OSU individual(s) to a Canvas Sandbox site (formerly Studio site)

Add users with the +People button on the People page in the Canvas Sandbox site, or Sandbox site owners can add users through Account >> Profile >> My Sandbox Sites

Canvas: Add non-OSU individual(s) to a Canvas Sandbox site (formerly Studio site)

Non-OSU individual creates account at using a personal account login; Non-OSU individual provides personal login email used to Sandbox site leader.

Canvas: Getting help with and accessing Continuing Education Courses

Help for Continuing Education courses in Canvas

Canvas: Verify email for OSU Canvas Visitor account

Confirm email address in Canvas for non-OSU Visitor Accounts

Canvas: Manage your Canvas Sandbox site (formerly Studio site)

Click Account >> My Sandbox Site >> Manage your Sandbox sites

Canvas: Bulk Delete Canvas Sandbox sites (formerly Studio sites)

Bulk delete Sandbox sites in Account >> Profile >>My Sandbox sites

Canvas: Change which courses appear and how they appear on the Canvas Dashboard

Click Courses >> All Courses, then click Star Icons next to courses to select which courses will appear on Dashboard

Canvas: Copy (import) content from one Canvas course into another

Click Settings >> Import Course Content then select Copy a Canvas Course and the course from which to import.

Canvas: Create a peer reviewed assignment in Canvas

Create Canvas assignment, click box for "Peer Reviews" in assignment settings.

Canvas: Merged and crosslisted courses in Canvas

Crosslisted courses are created by indicating crosslisting of the courses in Banner.

Canvas: Merge multiple sections into one Canvas course

Enable Course Merge tool in Settings >> Navigation; click Course Merge in course menu to select courses to merge/un-merge

Canvas: Adjust the due dates on a Canvas assignment for a subset of students

Edit the Canvas assignment, click the '+Add' button, type the name of the student(s) and select, enter alternative due date, save.

Canvas: Provide extra time on Canvas Quizzes for a student with a DAS time extension accommodation

Adjust Canvas Quiz availability dates and Time Limit to allow for DAS time extension accommodations.

Canvas: Canvas Gradebook Features

An overview of Canvas Gradebook functionality.

Canvas: Create a duplicate quiz or question bank from a Canvas quiz

Recreating Canvas question banks from a Canvas quiz

Canvas: Hide or Post Grades in the Canvas Gradebook

How to 'mute' assignments in the New Canvas Gradebook

Canvas: Move final (letter) grades from Canvas into MyOregonState (Banner)

Enable course grading scheme, export the Canvas gradebook CSV file, adjust CSV file to meet Banner upload requirements, use Banner to upload final grades.

Canvas: Faculty Peer Review Tool

Information and instructions for using the Faculty Peer Review (FPR) tool in Canvas, including how to add a faculty peer reviewer as an Observer to the Canvas site.

Canvas: View grade information and Last Date of Activity (LDA) for students who have withdrawn from a course

Enable 'Show Inactive Enrollments' in the Canvas gradebook; view LDA on Canvas People page

UDOIT Accessibility Check: Use Accessibility Check in Canvas

Click Accessibility Check in course menu, allow tool to check for common accessibility issues.

Gradescope: Use Gradescope in a Canvas course

Create Gradescope account using ONID email at; enable Gradescope menu item in course navigation.

Kaltura Instructor Guide: Create a media assignment in Canvas

Instructor guide for creating an assignment in Canvas to which students will submit media e.g., videos.

Kaltura Student Guide: Instructions for creating and submitting media to a Canvas assignment

How to create, upload, and submit media to a Canvas assignment

Namecoach: Use Namecoach in Canvas to record name pronunciation and set pronouns

Namecoach allows instructors and student to record their name pronunciation and preferred pronouns in Canvas.

Proctorio: Use Proctorio in Canvas

For help regarding proctorio who to contact and such

Qualtrics: Use Qualtrics in Canvas

Information on using Qualtrics in Canvas

Teams: Create linked team from Canvas

Steps to create a Microsoft Teams team from a Canvas course.

Turnitin: Use Turnitin (similarity checking) on a Canvas assignment

Create a File Upload or Text Box assignment in Canvas; select Turnitin as the Plagiarism Review option.

Zoom Default Settings and Recommended Settings for Faculty and Advisors

Default settings for Zoom, and recommended settings for large lectures, small discussions, guest speakers, advisors and Zoom recording processing.

Issue: Canvas - Third-party content (e.g., Zoom in Canvas) not showing or loading

Instructions for allowing specific third-party cookies in Canvas in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Safari does not allow third-party cookie exceptions. Issue can appear in various forms including: blank screen, gray boxes, error messages "vendor content failed to load", "unauthorized access", "session expired", or other messages about cookies and loading in a new tab

Issue: Canvas - Course not showing in Canvas

This article is for users that are expecting to see a specific course in Canvas and it is not visible on the Canvas dashboard. This walks through the steps to add published courses to their Canvas dashboard, and what steps to take if the course is not listed on the "All Courses" page in Canvas.

Issue: Canvas - Images not displaying

Images not appearing for students in Canvas

Issue: Canvas - Link redirecting to Canvas Dashboard

Wrong URL for Canvas redirecting users to the dashboard with the correct URL for Canvas.