Canvas: Move final (letter) grades from Canvas into MyOregonState (Banner)

Tags Canvas Banner


Canvas is Oregon State University's Learning Management System. The Final Grades tool in Canvas can be used by instructors to create an Excel file for uploading final grades to Banner. Only someone with a Teacher role in the course can access the tool.

Before using the tool, you should:

Using the Final Grades tool

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course site
  2. Enable the OSU Instructor Tools navigation item if it is not already enabled.
  3. Click OSU Instructor Tools in the course navigation menu
  4. Click Final Grades on the OSU Instructor Tools page
  5. Click Review Grades
  6. Enter a date into the Last Date of Attendance column for any students earning an F or I/F grade
  7. Uncheck the box in the Grade Included in Export column for any students in the course you are not ready to submit a grade to Banner for
  8. Click Check for Issues to scan for issues
  9. If no issues are detected, close the “Congratulations” message box and click Export Excel File for Banner
  10. Locate the exported Excel file on your computer and use the instructions provided by the Office of the Registrar to upload grades into Banner which are briefly:
    1. Navigate to Faculty Grade Entry in MyOregonState
    2. Select the course you wish to upload grades for
    3. Click the Gear icon located immediately to the left of your Profile icon in the top right corner
    4. Select Import from the menu that appears
    5. Follow the prompts to select and import the Excel file exported from the Final Grades tool in Canvas

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Canvas Current Grade and how is it calculated?

The Canvas Current Grade does not include assignments/submissions that have no score entered or that have not been posted in the calculation. The Canvas Current Grade is what displays by default to students in Canvas.

In the table below, the Canvas Current Grade for Student 1 would be 8/10 (80%) and for Student 2 would be 18/20 (90%).

  Assignment 1
10 pts possible
Assignment 2
10 pts possible
Assignment 3
10 pts possible
Unposted Assignment
Assignment 4
10 pts possible
Current Grade
Student 1 8 - 6 - 80% (8/10)
Student 2 8 10 4 - 90% (18/20)

What is the Canvas Unposted Final Grade and how is it calculated?

The Canvas Unposted Final Grade assumes zeros for all assignments that do not have a score entered and includes hidden scores that have not been posted to students. The Canvas Unposted Final Grade can be viewed in the native Canvas grade export.

In the table below, the Canvas Unposted Final Grade for Student 1 would be 14/40 = 35% and for Student 2 would be 22/40 = 55%

  Assignment 1
10 pts possible
Assignment 2
10 pts possible
Assignment 3
10 pts possible
Unposted Assignment
Assignment 4
10 pts possible
Unposted Final Grade
Student 1 8 - 6 - 35% (14/40)
Student 2 8 10 4 - 55% (22/40)

What is the Canvas Override Final Grade and how is it applied?

For faculty who do not want to use Canvas to automatically calculate grades or who want to manually override the automatic grade calculation in Canvas, an optional Override Grade column can be enabled in Grades. Once enabled, an instructor can manually enter a final grade into the Override column. This override grade will display to the student as the course grade regardless of any other assignment scores entered in the Canvas gradebook.

What does Override Grade Applied mean?

This message indicates that the instructor manually entered a final grade into the Override column in Canvas Grades, and this grade will appear in the Final Grades tool export file regardless of what grades appear in the Canvas Current Grade and Canvas Unposted Final Grade columns.

What does Grade Mismatch mean and how can I fix it?

The Grade Mismatch message indicates that the letter grade in the Canvas Current Grade column does not match the letter grade in the Canvas Unposted Final Grade column. This mismatch occurs when there are either ungraded assignments or unposted scores in the Canvas gradebook. This can cause students to see their final grade in the course as different (often higher) than it really is.

To fix the Grade Mismatch issue, navigate back to your Canvas Grades page, apply scores to any ungraded work e.g., enter zeros for missing work, and post grades for assignments that are still hidden from students.

What does Missing last date of attendance mean and how can I fix it?

For students who will be given an F, I/F, N, or I/N final grade, a date is required for the last date of attendance. More information on what date can be used as the last date of attendance is provided by the Office of the Registrar.

To fix the Missing last date of attendance issue, navigate back to your Canvas course, review student grade and activity data, select an appropriate date, and enter this date in an MM/DD/YYYY format in the Last Date of Attendance column.

What grade do I use when I give a student an incomplete?

The Canvas Unposted Final Grade is generally the appropriate alternate grade for the I/grade value for an incomplete grade. Learn more about calculating the alternate/default grade of an incomplete grade.

What happens if I uncheck the box in the Grade Included in Export column?

The student will still be included in the exported Excel file, but the grade field for the student will be empty. You can manually enter a grade into the Excel file prior to uploading it to Banner or manually enter a grade directly into Banner for any student grades you chose to exclude from the exported file.

I exported an Excel file from a crosslisted or merged Canvas site. Can I use this same Excel file to upload grades to Banner for each section present in the crosslisted/merged site?

Yes, you can. Only the grade data for students that are enrolled in the course section that you selected in Banner will be uploaded successfully. The grade data for other course sections will be flagged as ‘containing errors’ and ignored. Review instructions for uploading final grades to Banner for more information.

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article
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Article ID: 70831
Thu 1/24/19 4:50 PM
Thu 6/13/24 2:46 PM

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