Canvas: Manage your Canvas Sandbox site (formerly Studio site)

Tags Canvas


Canvas is Oregon State University's Learning Management System. OSU re-branded Sandbox sites in June 2024; prior to that they were known as Studio sites.

Rename Sandbox site

  1. Log into Canvas at
  2. Click the Account button in the upper-left corner of the Canvas screen
  3. Click the My Sandbox Sites link in the fly-out menu that appears
  4. Click Manage your Sandbox sites
  5. Click the Manage button to the left of Sandbox site you want to rename
  6. Enter the new name for your Sandbox site
  7. Click Rename
  8. Click Rename in the pop-out window to confirm the new name

You should receive a message confirming the new name for the Sandbox site was successful applied.

Transfer Ownership of a Sandbox site

You can transfer ownership of a Canvas Sandbox site to an OSU colleague using the following steps:

  1. Log into Canvas at
  2. Click the Account button in the upper-left corner of the Canvas screen
  3. Click the My Sandbox Sites link in the fly-out menu that appears
  4. Click Manage your Sandbox sites
  5. Click the Manage button to the left of Sandbox site you want to transfer ownership
  6. Enter the ONID email address for the individual to whom you wish to transfer ownership in the "Transfer ownership" box
  7. Click Transfer
  8. Click Transfer in the pop-out window to confirm the transfer

You should receive a message confirming the transfer was successful.

Delete a single Sandbox site

Sandbox sites owners can also bulk delete Sandbox sites. Instructions below are for deleting a single Sandbox site.

  1. Log into Canvas at
  2. Click the Account button in the upper-left corner of the Canvas screen
  3. Click the My Sandbox Sites link in the fly-out menu that appears
  4. Click Manage your Sandbox sites
  5. Click the Manage button to the left of Sandbox site you want to delete
  6. Locate the "Delete" box near the bottom of the page
  7. Click Delete
  8. Click Next to confirm that you want to delete the Sandbox site
  9. Click Delete to re-confirm that you want to delete the Sandbox site. This is the final click before the Sandbox site and all content in the site is deleted.

You should receive a message confirming the transfer was successful.

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article
  • Send an email to
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Article ID: 78946
Wed 5/22/19 2:37 PM
Tue 6/18/24 8:06 AM

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