Canvas: Roles and Permissions


Canvas is Oregon State University's Learning Management System.

List of Roles

  • Teacher
  • TA
  • Canvas TA
  • Grader
  • Designer
  • Student
  • Observer
  • Leader (Canvas Sandbox sites only)

Role Permissions

  • The Teacher role has full access to all course content, settings, and the gradebook. This role allows the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course. The Teacher role can submit work to Canvas assignments on behalf of students.
  • The TA role has full access to all course content and the gradebook. A user with this role can modify most course settings, but they cannot reset a Canvas course. This role allows the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course. The TA role can also submit work to Canvas assignments on behalf of students.
  • The CanvasTA role has full access to all course content and the gradebook. A user with this role can modify most course settings, but they cannot publish a Canvas course. This role allows the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course.
  • The Grader role has full access to the gradebook, but they cannot add, edit, or delete course content. This role allows the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course.
  • The Designer role can add/edit most course content. They do not have access to any FERPA-protected information, thus they do not have access to discussions or the gradebook. This role allows the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course.
  • The Student role allows for access to all published course content contingent on availability settings controlled by the instructor. A Student has access to their individual gradebook view. This role does NOT allow the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course.
  • The Observer role has read-only access to most published course content (they can view and download files, and view assignment and quiz descriptions). They do not have access to any FERPA-protected information, thus they do not have access to discussions or the gradebook. This role does NOT allow the user to copy the course content to another Canvas course.
  • The Leader role is only available in Canvas Studio sites and has all of the same permissions as a Teacher, and also has the ability to add people through a "+People" button on the Canvas course People page.

Assigning Roles in Canvas

For-Credit Courses

The assignment of TeacherTA, and Student roles in for-credit courses are controlled by information in Banner. An individual who has registered for a course will be assigned a Student role in the associated Canvas course. An individual who has been entered into Banner as an instructor with 0% responsibility will be assigned the TA role in Canvas. An individual who has been entered into Banner as an instructor with 1% responsibility will be given a Teacher role in Canvas, but will not have Student Learning Experience surveys (SLEs) distributed for them at the end of the term. An individual who has been entered into Banner as an instructor with 2% or greater responsibility will be given a Teacher role in Canvas and will also have SLEs distributed for them at the end of the term.

"Add TA..." Tool

Any Teacher or Leader can use the "Add TA..." tool to assign an individual to a Canvas TA, Grader, Designer, or Observer role. An individual needs to have completed FERPA training and have it recorded in the Registrar's Office before they can be added as a Canvas TA or Grader through the "Add TA..." tool. This tool can also be used to remove individuals who were added with the tool.

Studio Sites

Leader in a Canvas Studio site can assign any role to any individual in the Studio site through the "+People" button on the People page of the Studio site. There are a couple options for adding OSU individuals to a Studio site for owners of the Studio site. Additionally, it is possible to add non-OSU individuals to a Studio site.

Still have questions?

If you questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article
  • Send an email to
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Article ID: 56571
Tue 6/26/18 11:18 AM
Thu 5/23/24 9:23 AM

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Click Add TA... in course menu, search for individual to be added, select the correct role, select section(s). FERPA training required for CanvasTA and Grader roles.
Non-OSU individual creates account at using a personal account login; Non-OSU individual provides personal login email used to Sandbox site leader.
Add users with the +People button on the People page in the Canvas Sandbox site, or Sandbox site owners can add users through Account >> Profile >> My Sandbox Sites