Soft Phones - About


  • What is a soft phone?
  • How do I get setup to use a soft phone?
  • What operating systems are supported for soft phone?


  • Oregon State University
  • Employee
  • Telephones


A "soft phone" is software you run on your computer that allows you to make and receive calls as though from a desk phone on campus. 

The soft phone application is only available for Window OS.  Mac or Linux users will need to use Citrix, RDP, or a local Windows VM.


Note, the following options are also available for remote communications and are easier to setup and use than a soft phone:

  • Zoom conferencing - best for scheduled meetings with 2 or more people including external participants; includes audio, video, screen-sharing, webinar and recording features
  • Microsoft Teams - best for ad-hoc communication between 2 or more people; includes audio, video and screen-sharing


To set up a soft phone, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the setup steps for your computer's operating system:
    1. Windows: Install the Avaya One-X software
    2. Mac or other operating system: Use the Avaya One-X App on Citrix
  2. Review our guide on using the soft phone
    • If signing in to your extension does not work, proceed to step 3.
  3. Request soft phone access from Telecom


For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.