CORE - Troubleshooting


  • What should I do if CORE is broken?
  • Why can't I see a CORE report?
  • Why is a CORE report not returning results?


  • Oregon State University
  • CORE


There are a wide range of reasons that CORE or reports in CORE may not be working for someone. This article outlines common issues people encounter in CORE and easy resolutions to them.

Before going through these CORE specific suggestions start with the suggestions in University Operational Data Systems - Troubleshooting Error Messages and Report Time Outs. This article provides general troubleshooting tips for all data systems managed by Decision Support.


Why don't I see a report?

Access in CORE is granted based on the default access for a person's position. If a report is outside the access levels that a person has they will not see the report. Support for this can be found at:

Why am I not getting back any results in a report? Why am I getting an error message when running a CORE report?

A CORE report may not return any results or may return an error message for several reasons:

  1. Use Firefox or Chrome to access CORE. While CORE will work in other browsers they can cause unusual behavior in CORE.
  2. Check that you have filled in all of the parameters. Most CORE reports require you to provide a value for all of the parameters and if you do not enter a value the report will not return any results.

    Note: Ad hoc reports and some other reports do have optional parameters. To learn more about this see the "Optional Parameters and Ad Hoc Reports" section in CORE - Report Parameters.

  3. During the data update window for CORE (5pm to 8am) CORE reports may not work or may return inaccurate results due to the data load process. If someone experiences issues with a CORE report during this window have them try it again outside of this window to see if that resolves the issue. More details on the CORE update window and schedule can be found at
  4. Check the parameters for these common issues:
    1. Entering a date in the future where no data is available yet:
      1. Looking for class enrollment in a term that students cannot register for yet

        Note: The start times for term registration are:

        • Summer usually in April
        • Fall usually in May
        • Winter usually in November
        • Spring usually in February
      2. Looking for calculated student data in the current or a future term (GPA, earned credits, academic standing, etc.).

        Note: Most calculated student data for a term is not available until the end of term processing is finished. The Office of the Registrar sends out an email to the SIS DW and Academic Adviser Inform list serves when the end of term processing is finished for a term.

      3. Looking for calculated finance data in a future fiscal year (default pay and encumbrances)

        Note: Default pay and encumbrances are only calculated for the current fiscal year. Default pay is updated at the end of each day. Encumbrances are updated at the end of each month. The fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th and is numbered based on the year the fiscal year ends in. For example, in September 2022 we are in the 2023 fiscal year since we are in the fiscal year ending on June 30th, 2023.

    2. Entering a value in a parameter that does not match the data the parameter is looking at. For example:
      1. Putting someone's ONID ID (e.g. smitha) in an OSU ID parameter (e.g. 999888777)
      2. Putting an account code into an activity parameter. This is easy to do with all of the FOAPAL elements on the financial reports, but account and activity are especially easy since they both begin with a.
    3. Putting punctuation marks in a multi-entry parameter
      1. The multi-entry parameters will enter commas between values based on line breaks. Sometimes people will enter commas, semicolons and other punctuation marks in the single and multi-entry fields though. This will cause the report to not return results
    4. Having capitalization, spaces and tabs in a parameter
      1. Try raising or lowering the case of the value you entered. Most CORE reports will ignore case, but sometimes a report has not been set up to do this. If you find this to be the case let Decision Support know by emailing with the scenarios where you are experiencing this.
      2. Check if you have a space or tab at the beginning or end of a value you have entered. CORE looks for exact matches, so it will look for a value plus the space or tab.
    5. Make sure No Filter is unselected if you want to use a parameter
      1. Some parameters in CORE default to No Filter. When No FIlter is set on a parameter the report will not consider the values entered or selected in the parameters. Some times people forget to unselected or remove No Filter from the parameter, which effects the results in the report. No Filter is not automatically removed when someone selects or enters a value in a parameter
  5. Make sure the report does not have a limitation on the data it will display
    1. People with PAY3 access can only see the data in the pay reports for people in the same org as them. Sometimes people will be looking for someone outside their org and nothing will come back in the PAY reports since they cannot see these people.
    2. Some reports are limited to use by people with certain types of access in other systems. These report will not return results for other people. These sorts of limitations will be listed in the report description. You can get to the report description from a report by using the blue and white question mark next to the report title.
    3. Confidential students are hidden in CORE reports. Confidential students are rare, but looking for them in CORE will not bring back any results. Check with the Office of the Registrar ( if you think a student you are looking for is confidential.


For assistance, contact Data and Information Architecture (DIA)


Article ID: 146533
Thu 6/16/22 12:02 PM
Fri 6/16/23 5:03 PM