Change an AD Account (Non-ONID) Password


  • How do I change my CN or Cosine account password?
  • How do I change my Active Directory (non-ONID) account password?


  • Oregon State University
  • Non-ONID account


These instructions are for customers who have one of the following account types:

  • Student employees with an "se-username" account.
  • External customers who have been granted a "CN account" or other AD account that is not an ONID account (e.g. you login as CN\username).
  • External customers who have been granted a "delegated account" in the ONID domain (but not sponsored accounts).
  • Other AD accounts that are not ONID accounts.

If you don't know your current password, you will need to contact your IT team for help first.

Note: If you have an ONID account (for students, employees, associates, or sponsored) please follow the ONID password reset steps instead.


Via Microsoft 365

  1. You might need to log out of your ONID account first or use an incognito or private browsing window.
  2. Browse to
  3. Login with the account that you want to change password for
    • Enter your username in the format; for student employees this will usually be:
  4. Scroll down to the Password section and select "CHANGE PASSWORD"
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to change your password

On an OSU-Managed Windows Computer on the OSU Network

  1. Login to your computer with your current/old password
  2. Connect to the OSU network (wired or wireless)
  3. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del
  4. On the lock screen, select "Change a Password"
  5. Enter your old and new password in the boxes
  6. Click OK

On a Remote OSU-Managed Windows Computer

  1. Login to your computer with your current/old password
  2. Connect to the OSU VPN
  3. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del
  4. On the lock screen, select "Change a Password"
  5. Enter your old and new password in the boxes
  6. Click OK

IT Pros

IT Pros can also follow these steps to change their non-ONID password.

Contact Your IT

If you do not have access to a computer on the OSU network, contact the Service Desk or your IT team for help changing your password.

100% helpful - 1 review


Article ID: 107232
Fri 5/8/20 12:43 PM
Thu 2/8/24 12:15 AM