CORE - Term Definitions

Tags core data


  • Where do I find CORE term definitions?
  • What does a term or column name mean in a CORE report?
  • Where does a data field in CORE come from?
  • How is the data for a data field in CORE collected?
  • What does a data element in CORE mean?


  • Oregon State University
  • CORE


You can find definitions for terms used in CORE in several places:

  1. The data dictionary on the Tableau server provides a centralized repository of OSU data terms and definitions.
  2. In some CORE reports, you can click on the field header and a pop up will appear with the Banner definition, form and field for the term. You will know this option is available because your cursor will change to a pointing hand.
  3. Some Tableau dashboards in CORE include an About tab that provides definitions for data terms in the dashboard. They will also provide an explanation for any calculations made in the dashboard.



For assistance, Contact the UIT Data Team.