CORE - Search for an individual in CORE

Tags core data


  • How do find someone in CORE by name?
  • How do I find someone in CORE by ID?
  • How do I look up information about someone in CORE?


  • Oregon State University
  • CORE


  1. Locate the Search box in the top left corner of the CORE window next to the OSU logo.
  2. Type the person’s name (First, Last or Full), ONID or OSU ID into the search box and select "Search"

    Note: The CORE search does allow for the use of a wildcard symbol (%). For example, searching for B% will bring back all people, reports and indexes that have a word beginning with B in their title or name.

  3. This will return a list of people who meet your criteria.

Note: Clicking on a person's name in the list will bring up their Person Detail page. This provides basic information on them such as their OSU ID, position if they are an employee and their campus mailing address if they have one.

On the Person Detail page is also a list of reports. Click on a report will bring it up for the person who are looking at. These reports provide more detailed information on the person provided you have access to the reports. Two useful reports on the Person Detail Page are the Employee Profile and Student Profile.


For assistance contact Decision Support.


Article ID: 134414
Wed 9/22/21 11:37 AM
Thu 3/3/22 2:52 PM