Tableau - Setting Permissions and Sharing Dashboards - Windows and MacOS


  • How do I set permissions for dashboards from the Tableau Server?

  • How can I share a dashboard with someone after I publish it to the Tableau Server?

  • I gave someone access to a dashboard on the Tableau Server, but they are not seeing it. What should I do?


  • Oregon State University
  • Tableau


This article documents how to share a dashboard from the Tableau server and common issues that people encounter when using the Tableau Server to share dashboards. When someone's permissions to a dashboard are not properly set up this will commonly result in error messages that the person does not have access to the resource.

If you, or the person you are sharing the dashboard with, are receiving an error message that the dashboard is not available or that the webpage cannot be found, but the dashboard works for everyone else this might be an issue with the person's browser or computer. Try the general troubleshooting tips at to resolve this.

This article is assuming that you have already published the dashboard to the Tableau Server. You can find the steps to publish a dashboard to the OSU Tableau server at


Sharing a Dashboard

Caution: Data sharing must comply with University policy and State, Federal and International laws such as FERPA and HIPPA. If you are not sure what policies and laws apply to the data you want to share contact Data and Information Architecture (DIA) and we can connect you with the information and people you need to make an informed decision.

You can find documentation on student-protected data at

  1. Login to the OSU Tableau Server (
  2. Go to the workbook you want to share
    1. Note: This is not at the level of the individual dashboards and sheets. It is one level up

  1. Select the three dots in the Action field
  2. In the drop-down that appears select "Permissions"

  1. In the pop-up window that appears select "Add Group/User Rule"
  2. Enter the name of the person or group you want to assign permission to in the search box that appears
  3. Select the person or group's name
    1. Note: Groups come from Grouper and must be created in Grouper before they will appear on the Tableau server. Contact DIA if you are interested in creating a group for the Tableau Server.
  4. Select the permissions you want the person or group to have
    1. Note: This can be done with a permission template, which has permission options pre-selected, or you can select your own custom list of permission options from the table to the right of the person or group's name. OSU best practice is to not allow users to download full dashboard data.
  5. Select "Save" once you have chosen the permissions for the person or group

  1. Select the three dots in the Action Field again
  2. Select "Share" from the drop-down
  3. You can either copy the share link and send it to the person or enter the person's name and the Tableau server will send a message to them directly
    1. Note: You can also open the dashboard you want to send someone and copy the URL for the dashboard.
    2. Note: If the data source is not embedded in the dashboard go to the data source of the Tableau Server and make sure the person or group has access to the data source for the dashboard.

Troubleshoot Permissions on the Tableau Server

If a person you are sharing a dashboard with cannot see it try the following:

  1. Make sure you are sending the person a link to the item you gave them permission for. For example, you might give someone access to a dashboard, but then send them a link to the project folder by accident.

    1. Note: Permissions do not cascade on the Tableau Server, so giving someone access to a folder does not give them access to all of the dashboards inside of that folder. It is usually best to give someone access at the workbook level instead of the folder level. Otherwise, you will have to give the person access to the folder and then anything inside of the folder.

  2. Make sure that you have embedded your data source access credentials during the publishing step. For assistance on this, please see Determine how others access your published data - Tableau.

  3. Make sure the person is either on campus using the secure OSU WiFi or connected to the VPN. VPN is required for people to connect to the Tableau Server from off campus. Instructions on using the OSU VPN can be found at:

  4. Check your site role and make sure you are giving permission that is within your scope.

  5. Send the person the link from the dashboard URL when you go to the dashboard view on the Tableau Server instead of the share link.


For assistance, contact the DIA.


Article ID: 155309
Thu 4/27/23 10:40 AM
Tue 8/1/23 3:45 PM