Canvas: Generating Zoom Meeting and Poll Reports


  • How do I generate a report for Zoom polling and attendance from within Canvas?
  • What's the difference between the Zoom meeting and poll reports generated in Canvas versus the Zoom Web portal?


  • Oregon State University
    • Instructor
      • Zoom
      • Canvas


Five minutes after ending your Zoom class meeting, you can generate reports of student attendance and poll results. The Meeting Report lists the name, email address, join/leave times, and duration in minutes for each student who attended the meeting. The poll report for a meeting lists the name and email address of each student who answered the poll question(s), along with the question text and the answer given by the student. Meeting and poll reports are deleted 30 days after the meeting.

Locate your Zoom Meeting in Canvas

  1. Log in to Canvas (
  2. Click "Zoom" from the left Canvas menu.
  3. Click the "Previous Meetings" tab and locate the.

Generate a Zoom Meeting Report in Canvas

  1. To view the meeting report, click the "Report" link for the  occurrence of your Zoom class .
  2. To export the meeting report, click the "Export as a CSV file" link.

Note: Each time the student joins/leaves the main Zoom meeting room will be recorded in the meeting report. When you generate a meeting report within Canvas, the total duration for each student is not listed. If you wish to generate a meeting report that includes total duration for each student, you will need to do so within the Zoom Web portal. 

Generate a Zoom Poll Report in Canvas

Five minutes after your class Zoom meeting has ended, you can also generate a poll report via Canvas.

  1. From the "Previous Meetings" tab, click the Report link for the occurrence of your Zoom class meeting for which you want to generate a poll report.
  2. Click the Poll Report tab to view the report for your class meeting.
  3. To export the poll report, click the "Export as a CSV file" link.

Still have questions?

If you have questions about this topic or related topics, please use one of the following methods to contact the Canvas team at Oregon State:

  • Sign in and add a comment/question to this article using the tools below the article.
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