Zoom - Add Dial-In Telephone Option to a Running/Started OR Scheduled Zoom Meeting


  • I scheduled a Zoom Meeting and need to add a dial-in phone number.
  • I started a Zoom Meeting and need to add the ability for someone to call in using a phone.
  • Can I edit a scheduled meeting from Computer Audio to Computer Audio AND Telephone?
  • How do I enable a scheduled/started meeting with the option for a phone call-in?


  • Oregon State University
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Students
  • Zoom User
  • Zoom Call-In (Telephone) User 


Some users will schedule a Zoom Meeting and configure it so that it includes the option to connect via video and computer audio only. All Zoom users have the ability to schedule/edit their meetings to include computer audio AND telephone option. This KB will include the steps for adding the telephone option to a scheduled/started Zoom meeting.


Method 1 - Desktop App

  1. Open the Zoom Desktop App
  2. Click the Meetings menu button (usually located at the bottom of the Zoom window)
  3. Locate the scheduled or started/running meeting and click the ... (three dots) button
  4. Select Edit from the dropdown menu
  5. On the pop-up window, under the Audio section, select Telephone and Computer Audio
  6. Click Save
  7. To locate the call-in information, select the ... (three dots) button
  8. Select Copy Invitation from the dropdown menu
  9. Paste the copied text to a blank email or another text document
  10. Call the assigned phone number and enter the listed meetings ID code

The meeting, whether it's scheduled or started, will now allow the ability to dial-in via telephone. 

Method 2 - Outlook Plug-In

  1. Open the Outlook Calendar and find the associated date/time
  2. Double click the Meeting/Appointment that needs Telephone Audio added
  3. From the top menu bar, select the button which shows a blue Zoom icon with Change Settings below it
  4. On the pop-up window, under the Audio section, select Telephone and Computer Audio
  5. Click Continue to automatically close the Change Settings pop-up window
  6. Invite/Include additional Participants if needed then click Save & Close (or, Send Update)
  7. Double click the Meeting/Appointment again to open the Meeting
  8. Within the Body of the Meeting, there will be the phone number to call and Meeting ID to enter/use
  9. Close the Meeting window and call-into the Meeting or Share the Call-in Information

Method 3 - OSU Zoom Website

  1. Visit is.oregonstate.edu/zoom and log-in
  2. Once signed in, you should automatically be directed to the My Meetings page (If not, select Meetings from the left side of the screen) 
  3. Find the Meeting which needs Telephone Audio added and click the Meeting Title
  4. On the Meeting summary page that automatically loads, scroll to the bottom and select Edit this Meeting from the lower right corner
  5. Scroll down to the Audio section and select the radio-button titled Both (Available options are:  □ Telephone   □ Computer Audio   □ Both)
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save
  7. To locate the call-in information, click the Copy the Invitation link on the Meeting Summary page
  8. A pop-up window will appear with the meeting information, including the telephone number and Meeting ID to use

For assistance, contact the IS Service Desk.

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Article ID: 86584
Tue 9/10/19 2:47 PM
Wed 9/11/19 12:43 PM